I, Isabella Marie Swan-Cullen, understand and agree to all of the following:
1. I am now the property of Dr. Edward A. Cullen, D.O. The terms of this contract shall continue for the duration of our relationship/marriage.
2. I will always show Edward nothing but the utmost respect at all times. Being disrespectful, and/or disobedient will result in any punishment Edward deems fit.
3. I hereby give up ALL personal freedoms to Edward. I now live only to please him in any way he requires. I will only maintain friends Edward has approved, and speaking with anyone NOT approved by Edward is strictly forbidden. EXCEPTION: If I am shopping and Edward is not with me, I may seek assistance, though I WILL NEVER seek it from a man, only a female. I will NEVER be alone with another male, unless given direct permission by Edward first. Speaking with ANY MALE outside of Edward’s closest family and friends will not be tolerated AT ALL and will result in any punishment Edward deems necessary.
4. Edward shall decide what I may wear, when clothing is allowed at all. If no clothing is specified, I am to assume, unless told otherwise, that I am free to pick out my own clothing for the day. If alone in the house and the doorbell rings while I am nude, as there will be be such a time, I will answer the door by showing only my head and shoulders to the person at the door.
5. I shall assume all domestic duties of the household, including cleaning and cooking. I shall take care of these duties, as much as possible, when Edward is not home, so I may be available for other duties when he is home. EXCEPTION: Under no circumstances am I to enter Edward’s home office without direct permission from him.
6. I shall submit to the alteration of my appearance by Edward in any way. These alterations may include changes in hairstyle/color, shaving/waxing of various areas of my body, makeup amount and style, piercing, brands, tattoos, etc. I understand that any of these changes may be of a permanent nature. I also understand that I am to be presentable at all times. I am to eat three balanced meals a day, and will only snack on foods Edward has approved. I will train with a personal trainer, chosen by Edward, at least 3 days a week to maintain my weight, as well as my strength.
7. All of my personal property is hereby freely given to Edward, and he may keep it or dispose of it as he sees fit. I come into the relationship owning NOTHING, including cash. Edward will give me the amount of $3000 each month to deposit into a private account. This check will be given to me on the first day of each month to be deposited, and access to this account is only to be given on the first day of each month. This money is freely given to me in case the relationship ends. Punishments do not affect this account. Unless the relationship ends, I have no access to this money at any time. Other than this money, if/when the relationship ends, I will take NO cash or possessions from Edward. All money and possessions, with the exception of the above named account is his, and I will never make claim to any part of it. Edward will provide me with funds from a household account to operate the house, as well as buy anything that may be of necessity or want for me. I will be required to seek permission before purchasing anything outside of the necessities required to operate the home.
8. I will not be employed outside the home, ever.
9. I may not use the telephone without Edward’s permission, the exception being in case of medical or other emergency. I may spend a small amount of time each day on the internet, though Edward will have access to my browsing history.
10. I am to be home when Edward is home, unless told otherwise. I am to seek permission before leaving the house at all times, and I am expected to be home when Edward arrives. Failure to do so will result in quick, sound punishment.
11. Edward owns all aspects of me, including my sexual self, and he does not share. EVER. I understand that I will be used sexually a great deal by Edward, and in any way or place he desires. My vagina, ass, and mouth are to be ready constantly for his use. My orgasms belong to Edward, and I will always seek permission before coming. Coming without permission is punishable by whichever means Edward sees fit.
12. I understand that the above provisions include service IN PUBLIC at any and all times he sees fit.
13. I understand that punishment is whatever Edward deems fit at the time, but I also understand that Edward will never physically abuse me. I understand that punishment is just a way of correcting a wrong, and while it may hurt at the time, it will never be of violent nature.
14. I understand that there are to be NO LIMITS to any of the above, including the use of punishments such as pain. We agree that Edward will not commit, and will not require me to commit, any act which is a felony under state or federal law.
15. I understand that any and all rules are subject to change at any time Edward deems necessary.
We, the undersigned, agree totally with the above, and upon signing this contract, we both agree to enter into the relationship of both sound mind and free will. We are both in the know that this contract is not legally binding, but set forth to protect myself as well as you.
My girl’s signature ~
I have read and fully understand this contract in its entirety. I agree to give everything I own to my Edward, and further accept his claim of ownership. I understand that I will be commanded and punished, and I promise to be true and to fulfill the pleasures and desires of Edward to the best of my abilities. I understand that I cannot withdraw from this contract except as stated in this contract.
Signature: Isabella M. Swan-Cullen
Edward’s signature ~
I have read and fully understand this contract in its entirety. I agree to accept this girl as my property, as my girl, body and possessions, and to care for her to the best of my ability. I shall provide for her security and well-being, as well as command and punish. I understand the responsibility implicit in this arrangement, and agree that no harm shall come to my girl as long as she is mine. I further understand that I can withdraw from this contract at any time.
Signature: Dr. Edward A. Cullen, D.O.